Conflicts of Interest: Participants, Clients and Potential Participants and Clients
Optiform is committed to:
- disclosing any conflicts of interest – potential or real – to the participants or clients we support; or
- disclosing any conflicts of interest – potential or real – to potential participants or clients if those real or potential conflicts may impact the way Optiform delivers supports and services to a participant, potential participant, client or potential client.
Optiform engages in conscious and thorough recruitment practices and worker screening to uncover any potential or real conflicts of interest about any person to be employed by Optiform and has an internal conflict of interest policy and procedures which apply to employees and other workers.
Optiform takes all reasonable measures to ensure that Optiform including Optiform’s Employees and other workers:
- are aware of their obligation to declare a conflict of interest and inform people with disability when they have an interest that may impact supports and services provided to a person with disability (i.e. other than simply being paid for providing the services or supports); and
- do not give inducements or gifts, ask for any inducement or gift, or accept any inducement or gift of more than minor value, from people with disability, their families, carers or advocates.